Name: Emanuel de Carvalho
Birthplace: Braga, Portugal
Home: London, UK
Practice: Painting, sound and installation
Reptile wars, 2022, oil on linen
Where does your practice originate from?
My practice is a response to my research into the psychophysical dimension of perception and how this relates to social constructs. I believe in disruption as a means to aect change. At the moment, I am interested in approaching Michel Foucault’s teachings on power, knowledge and identity and Catherine Malabou’s ideas around anarchy and plasticity.
What’s something that remains timeless in your eyes?
There is a timelessness to David Lynch’s work that I find truly compelling. He plays with ideas of time and reality in a way that leaves us with a sense of disconcerting uncertainty.
How do you define your artistic research in three words?
This will sound very cliché art-speak but I would say: disidentification, disruption, fragment(s).
What are you dreaming about these days?
For better or worse, my dreams are populated by the spaces and characters featured in my paintings. Kathy Acker once said “dreams are manifestations of identities.” In that way, to some extent, my works could be read as extensions of myself.
Where do you find beauty?
Understated and muted colors, minimal forms, unusual orientations. I guess I am drawn to “non-spaces” that foster contemplative thinking.
Lack dream kill, 2022, oil on linen, bespoke black aluminium tray frame