Name: Andrew Jarrett
Age: 59
Birthplace: Kent, UK
Home: New York, USA
Discipline: Photography & Direction

Garry, 2000

What is your background?

I come from Kent in the UK. My path is de!ned by natural progression, lots of hard work and not giving up.

What are the main topics you deal with in your work?

My work essentially deals with people.

How do you define your artistic search and practice in three words?

Passion. Emotion. Energy.

How do you create?

My creative process emphasizes openness to the ideas of others, as well as being gentle and honest within my approach.

How do you position yourself in relation to our current times?

Positively. I have always tried my best to be open-minded and loving, as well as being considerate to all.

What kind of approach towards ‘aesthetics’ does your work provide?

My work is thought-provoking, underlining emotion and sensibility.

What kind of beauty does your work focus on?

The beauty I love has honesty, light and energy.

What does being an artist mean in your opinion today?

Same as it has always been... Art should inspire and please people.

What is the message you want to deliver with your work?

The idea is to constantly move forward and remain thought-provoking.


