Name: Eric Croes
Age: 44
Birthplace: La Louvière, Belgium
Home: Brussels, Belgium
Practice: Sculpture

From left to right: Totem Red Devil and Totem Blue Smoker, 2023, glazed ceramic, concrete and steel

Where does your practice originate from?

I feel like it has always been there, from my playdough practice during the afternoons at my grandmother's house to my first clay piece at a fancy-fair in my elementary school. I made a scalar fish. I remember the evening classes I spent with my little brother in the pottery workshop of my village youth center when I was a teenager. And later, in my thirties, the ceramics evening classes at the academy in Etterbeek where I dis- covered the incredible depth of glazes.

What’s something that remains timeless in your eyes?

My childhood and teenage memories that feed my work.

How do you define your artistic research in three words?

Intuitive, colorful, lively.

What are you dreaming about these days?

My nights are restless because of the preparation of my show at Sorry We're Closed in Brussels in September and the one at Almine Rech in Paris in January 2024. Otherwise, I'm dreaming of moving into my future house and an exhibition in New York.

Where do you find beauty?

Beauty is never far from home, between a walk in my garden where I watch the plants grow and the showcases full of archaeological treasures of the Art and History Museum of the Cinquantenaire.


