Name: Elladj Lincy Deloumeaux
Age: 27
Birthplace: Les Abymes, Guadeloupe
Home: Paris, France
Practice: Painting

Autoportrait, 2021, marker and oil on paper

Where does your practice originate from?

My practice is the result of pictorial, symbolic and historical research and experimentation. In fact, I draw on and take inspiration from my cultural and intellectual heritage by doing my own research, questioning and talking to people around me. This heritage is an inexhaustible source. So rich that I am constantly learning.

What’s something that remains timeless in your eyes?

Creation remains timeless for me. It is part of every scale of life and matter, from the visible to the invisible. Creation is the primordial verb. It precedes everything. The universe is in perpetual expansion and therefore in perpetual creation.

How do you define your artistic research in three words?

Plural, spiritual and pictorial.

What are you dreaming about these days?

Right now, I’m dreaming about my next trip to the African continent. I’m thinking of Benin, Rwanda, Ghana or perhaps Nigeria. I had the opportunity to make my "rst solo show in Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire. It was my very "rst time staying there. I have been immediately and deeply impressed by the cultural richness, the landscapes and art of that city. I would like to discover other countries, cultures and traditions. These trips are unique experiences that nourish my work and allow me to create connections with different territories.

Where do you find beauty?

In my opinion, beauty lies in emotions and feelings.


