Name: Andrej Dúbravsky
Birthplace: Central Europe
Home: Countryside in Central Europe and New York, USA
Practice: Painting
It’s a calm run today, 2022, acrylic on canvas
Where does your practice originate from?
My practice originates from my passion for painting. It also comes from all kinds of urges, from the anger and the great feeling of being sweaty and exhausted after leaving the studio at midnight.
What’s something that remains timeless in your eyes?
Geological processes of our earth. In planetary sense, everything is changing and moving constantly, and that somehow keeps me calmer. When I look at fossils or just stones for example, the process which created them into rocks is timeless.
How do you define your artistic research in three words?
Obsessive, organic and fun.
What are you dreaming about these days?
I am dreaming about having all of my current paintings finished and shipped to Berlin for my upcoming exhibition and traveling to some warm sunny country where many hairy guys live - for holiday and sex tourism afterward. I am also dreaming about finally having a reasonable government in Slovakia.
Where do you find beauty?
I find beauty under rocks and old rotten tree trunks, in science magazines and in my garden, between the hairy butt cheeks of chubby men, in museums packed with old paintings and in human interactions in general.
Swamp chill, 2023, acrylic and oil pastel on canvas
Leaves are already turning yellow, hurry up caterpillar, 2022, acrylic and oil pastel on canvas